Tag Archives: business

Kids Running Businesses!

Now, this is an idea I can get behind! After all, the developing minds of little ones shouldn’t be ignored. Franchild is a franchise company that encourages kids to manifest their silly (or brilliant) ideas in the form of a mini-business. A little crazy? Perhaps. An early exercise in entrepreneurship? Absolutely. It’s never too early to immerse children in the business of… well, business.

Here’s how it works. Franchild has several business units set up to choose from. They include categories from coffee, to candles to spices. The company helps launch your webpage after you have chosen your business category and then you start ordering your inventory. Franchild even helps with marketing tools like supplying business cards. The rest is up to the little ones!

In my excitement, I have probably not done such a fantastic job describing the concept behind Franchild. Learn more about how this company is committed to helping you and your kids learn the valuable lesson of entrepreneurship. Check out their website here: Franchild Website.

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